RpgLover1980 さま


5 / 5素晴らしい!

This place was amazing! As a fan of the series since the first game came out in the US in 1987, I was so excited to be able to experience this place! What I loved most is that they used the graphics style that started with Dragon Quest VIII, but they incorporated elements and references from literally every game in the series. It showed exceptional attention to detail, and was very appreciated by such a longtime fan! I also loved the sculptures everywhere of infamous enemies from the series!

The main quest has you running around to all the different buildings and into the forested areas and requires you to be pretty observant! They give you a wonderful guidebook in which you can make notes to keep track of locations. The village looks as though it is straight out of the series. The forested area has all the cool monster sculptures, and you'll do a few battles here that require you to do different poses to help you get critical hits - super cute! Overall, you run around and gather items, talk to villagers, and fight monsters. Very interactive!

I paid extra to do the extended quest and get the swag that comes with it, and it was very worth it! We got some cute little "Healie" plushie bracelets and some really neat Zenithian shield backpacks. Both of these items were of remarkable quality! I can't wait to wear the backpack to Comic Con! The extra quest details were also very cute, and I enjoyed the immersive feel to both the main and extended quest. We also got a couple of little souvenirs from the extended quest.

We stopped by Lucida's bar for food for my husband on the way out (I'm celiac so I can't eat there), and the food was adorable (and yummy, he says)!

Overall, if you're in doubt, GO! It's totally worth the visit!


ニジゲンノモリ 口コミ(3,069)
